Mount Kisco/Bedford–based artist Nathaniel Galka is a graduate of Columbus (Ohio) College of Art and Design. He also has a masters in fine arts from Northwestern University and has become a storyteller using pens and paint to mediate his natural subjects and internal processes.
He lived in Los Angeles, Chicago, and a few other Midwestern cities and became part of a young and thriving group of emerging American artists. He has participated in various alternative and traditional Fine Art shows and has an extended list of Art Gallery representation.
Nathaniel’s ability to combine an ethereal Asian sensibility with nature and florals makes his collection of work the type you gaze at for extended moments. His use of color, space and clarity are detailed and original. Often there is a surprise, whether a nest, a bird, and even a moose can be found in the sophisticated art of Nathaniel Galka. He feels that true art is not about the artist’s projection so much as it is about the viewer’s perception.
He works in small- and large-scale formats; his murals are painted on canvas, which enables them to be a permanent part of any personal collection. Clever homeowners looking to add color to their walls find that murals offer a distinctive solution that is nothing like wallpaper. He often works with designers and architects to create the perfect blend of art and decor.
Nathaniel or ‘Thaniel‘ as he’s often called greets you with a big smile, piercing blue eyes and ginger-ish beard. He’s a fun-loving guy who likes to make you laugh while simultaneously shocking you with revelations. You have to stay alert when you’re cocktail chatting with Thaniel- he is the extroverted side of an introverted profession and he’s so very insightful. He lives in a stylish home with his Interior Designer partner, Carl Lana and their small adorable pet children.
Nathaniel GalkaArtist – Studio and Home in Westchester NY

The moment you knew you wanted to be connected to the art and design world – Never stood a chance, it’s in my blood. Grandfather was an internationally known photographer, my mother is an artist, and my father was the former president of the Florida Wallpaper Guild.
Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be most significant in your career – As to date, my solo museum show at the Palos Verdes Art Center in Los Angeles

What are elements of your signature style – I take elements from different styles in the fine and decorative arts throughout history, by combining them, I create theatrical yet relatable images for the viewer to enjoy.

Are you a night owl or a morning person – By far a night person, sometimes staying up until 4 am painting in my studio. I prefer this time when the world’s energy is calm around

What kitchen utensil do you use most frequently – Spoon…because it is universal.

Describe your perfect pizza – VEGAN, VEGAN, VEGAN….the more mushrooms the better!

Who is your secret celebrity crush

What time of day were you born – 8:35 am

If there were a movie made about your life, who would play you –
Which languages do you speak – Barely English
Do you follow astrology? What is your zodiac sign –
Yes, very much! Taurus

Which philanthropic organizations have you been connected to –
Bailey House, Housing Works, DIFFA/Dining By Design, Holiday House, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, and Chicago House
How many pairs of shoes do you own – 100+++++++

If we were to peek in your closet, the dominant color would be – Blue

What is your present state of mind – ALWAYS Optimistic!

It’s 6 pm at your favorite bar or restaurant, what drink do you order – Boulevardier (Negroni with whiskey)

Do you awake with or without an alarm – Never
What’s your favorite social media outlet – Instagram
What song is ready to play on your playlist –“Winter” by Tori Amos

One of the best lessons my parents taught me is to . . . Be honest with myself means being true to others
What is your favorite work of art –
“The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit” by John Singer Sargent, 1882 in the permanent collection of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston

What is your favorite building in Manhattan
Grand Central Terminal because when I moved here, the first time I went to Manhattan I arrived via train and encountered this Beaux Arts masterpiece.