Anahi DeCanio is a multidisciplinary artist using mixed media, photography, collage and digital tools as a form of expression. Her influences are as varied as the art she creates. Anahi has a rich history of art and culture and has garnered well-respected press reviews and awards for her canvas paintings and scenic photography.
Born in Uruguay, she came to NY as a child and felt immediately at home. Her personal style and friendly persona give nod to a South American sophistication. Her long thick hair is generally coiffed over a colorful neck scarf or beautiful jewelry. She’s personable yet formal and gives you the feeling that you can say anything without judgment. Her work has been exhibited internationally in various prestigious venues and has appeared on the big and small screens upon movie sets and television stages.
Anahi’s photography has been featured in various publications, including, most notably, Time Magazine. She is a mom, dog lover, dune dweller, creative director of ArtyZen Homes and founder of eARThHAMPTONS.
Anahi combines her art and design worlds with her background in finance – she also works as a licensed real estate agent with Douglas Elliman.

The moment you knew you wanted to be connected to the art and design world -The first time I got to choose how to decorate my room at 11.
Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be most significant in your career – Having work featured in The New York Times and Time magazine was thrilling but hoping my best project is not done yet.
What are elements of your signature style – I’m eclectic but zen landscapes that are uplifting in message and tone are my most predominant features.

What philanthropic organizations have you been connected to – Reach U, Housing Works, Breast Cancer Awareness, St. Jude, L.I. Cares, Project Most, Stop Violence Against Women.

Are you a night owl or a morning person – I have a full schedule so I do both depending on the particular project.
What kitchen utensil do you use most frequently – my pizza cutter
Describe your perfect pizza – Home-made following my mom’s tradition -thin crust with sweet garlic & basil and whatever fresh ingredients are at hand.

What time of day were you born – Evening not sure about the exact time.

Which languages do you speak – English and Spanish
Do you follow astrology – What is your zodiac sign – Not really, sometimes for fun – I’m a Gemini

What would your DJ Name be – Charrua!
How many pairs of shoes do you own – now we’re getting really personal!
Do you have a favorite fashion magazine – I’m a bit of a magazine addict and can’t commit!

If we were to peek in your closet, the dominant color would be – Black and Black

What is your present state of mind – Nostalgic . . .

It’s 6 pm at your favorite bar or restaurant, what drink do you order – Cosmo

Do you awake with or without an alarm – Sleep? What’s Sleep? No alarm
What’s your favorite social media outlet – Instagram
What song is ready to play on your playlist – A mi Gente by (Uruguayan) El Sabalero

What is the last photo you took with your cell phone – my feet on Jackson Pollock’s paint covered studio floor near East Hampton

One of the best lessons my parents taught me is to . . . persevere.
What is your favorite work of art – anything by Basquiat moves me to tears … every time.

What is your favorite building in Manhattan – Grand Central Station – inside and out.