Trevas Younger, Owner/Administrator of Heritage Assisted Living baked six of her favorite Pecan Chess Pies in celebration of all the awesome families, residents and staff for a Thanksgiving event.
She’s that type of ‘good people’.
I’m not sure if its the way she shakes your hand (before COVID19) or the direct eye contact when you’re speaking with her but there’s a warm charm that genuine and earnest.
Trevas resides in Las Cruces New Mexico, a small city of about 100,000 residents that sits very close to the Mexican border. She knows the town well and the town knows and respects Trevas. She’s a business owner with compassion and good common sense. Her efforts to modernize an assisted living facility.

Occupation? Location?
Owner / Licensed Administrator, Heritage Assisted Living & Adult Day Programming, LLC Las Cruces, NM 88001

The moment you knew you wanted to be in the Medical/Care Facility World?
When my daughter was in a coma due to a brain injury from a car accident. And also when I became a pharmaceutical rep for AstraZeneca. Plus, I loved an Internal Medicine Doctor for nine years! Met him when he was one of my physician sales calls.
Has the COVID19 pandemic affected your business?
Oh for sure! We are totally in lock-down which is starting to wear on the family members who miss their parents and loved ones. Plus our seniors are lonesome for them, too.
Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you’d like to mention or brag about?
College was a huge deal for me. I was the first kid in my very big family to go to college. I was a single mom, three kids, and no child support attending college. Aggie Alumni, BBA Degree. Knew at a young age that I was a risk taker and an entrepreneur so I saved money like crazy after I graduated and started working in Corporate America first as The Lottery Lady when NM launched the Lottery. There for 11 years and then switch tracks and became a pharmaceutical rep for AstraZeneca. Worked and saved my entire life to come up with enough money to buy a biz. At mid-life changed courses and bought a small assisted living center that was in the red. Everyone always told me I should own my own business and, at mid-life that’s exactly what I did. I bought The Heritage Assisted Living in Las Cruces, NM. It had 24 beds, I have expanded to add 16 more beds in our brand new beautiful building. My parents died young. My father at 47 heart attack, mom at 68 from ovarian cancer. I became an orphan. I can now say, I have 40 fabulous parents who I love and guard!
Which philanthropic organizations have you been connected to?
St. Jude’s , Nature Conservancy, Alzheimer’s Association, Gospel Rescue Mission, Faith Christian Church (small, new, African American church) my kitchen mgr is pastor. National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Organization (NAHRO) I served on the local Public Housing Authority Board as a former resident no less, 12 years. . . Any homeless shelter
Are you a night owl or a morning person?
I’m definitely a mid-morning person but can stay up late with a good book, my handsome Professor boyfriend, good wine and/or a good movie!
What kitchen utensil do you use most frequently?
My wire whip! I love to cook and bake. Toaster oven, often
Describe your perfect pizza?

Brick oven, thin crust: Margherita! Simple: fresh basil from my garden, fresh mozzarella, EVOO, garlic and garden fresh tomatoes. Paired with a perfect ruby red Sangiovese. Worse things could happen!
Who is your secret celebrity crush?
Brad Pitt, I’d love to kiss his sexy mouth! Actually made eye contact with him in a parking lot of the hotel where is was staying in Monaco while on a French countryside vacation. He was looking for his car. He was gorgeous without makeup! Saw Martha Stewart there, too.
If there were a movie made about your life, who would play you?
I’m told that I look like Jessica Lange but as far as persona and to play me, I’d choose Reese Witherspoon. She’s an entrepreneur, too and quite helpful with children’s philanthropic organizations. I think she exudes happiness and good cheer.

Which languages do you speak?
English and some Spanish
Do you follow astrology . . What is your zodiac sign ?

I don’t follow it but I am interested in how the planets and the universe line up, you know the Karma thing. I pay attention to the phases of the moon. I’m affected by the feminine pull — receding and renewing as often as the tides! Ha! I’m a fire sign! Sagittarius. I like change and do all I can to keep my days from one running into the next. Keep it fresh always.
Is there a magazine or periodical that you subscribe to?

Favorite: Harper’s Magazine subscriber for many years. Love the fiction, too. Also Martha Stewart and Magnolia (Joanna Gaines) magazines.
What is your “go-to” fashion brand?
Simple clothing not expensive but well fitted. I’m a bit Bohemian and pay little attention to trends. I do like to mix it up and I wear clothes that are upbeat, and the textures and colors match my feelings for the day. Petite sizing fits me best, so I’m somewhat limited in selections. Maybe Gianni Bini, Free People, Cremieux, and Coach or Patricia Nash for purses
If we were to peek in your closet, the dominant color would be?

Mostly warm shades and variations of red: orange, copper, rose-gold, peach. You’d also find a lot of paisleys and borders, I’m sure that in a past life I may have lived on the Indian sub-continent.
- What is your present state of mind?

Concerned about our county and the country. I own an assisted living center and while I am super concerned about COVID -19 and implications for the elderly who are compromised, I see seniors who are missing their families and I believe the lock down has gone on long enough. They should be allowed to visit outdoors, with precautions. We are not a nursing home, we are assisted living. Our residents are not quite as complicated.
Grateful. I am living proof of the American dream. I am the daughter of a sailor and a waitress both of whom quit school after 6th grade to work on their parent’s farms. As a first-generation college student and a single mother with three children and no child support while in college, I worked hard raising my children alone. I lived in public housing and was on welfare for a short time while at NMSU earning my BBA. After graduation, I moved out of public housing and was asked by the Executive Director to be the first ever, former resident to serve on the CLC Housing Authority Board. College was my ticket out of poverty and it my children’s lives forever. I joined corporate America as a Lottery Marketing rep for 11 years, and then for quite some time I was a pharmaceutical rep for AstraZeneca. That training took me to the next level professionally, and prepared me for the rest of my life’s work. Since a young child with lemonade stands and paper dolls and cut out clothes to sell, and lots of babysitting jobs, I knew that I was an entrepreneur. My middle aged clock was ticking and inspiration was everywhere, especially from my grown daughter’s TBI from a car accident. She needed really good home care and I couldn’t find it. Eventually, wanting to get out of a huge territory, I started to search and finally landed in my own Assisted Living Center where I could offer best in class service. The Heritage Assisted Living was in the red at the time. I turned it around within six months, changed up the décor and the staff was a complete turn-over and around; my people. Heritage House was small with only two houses, 24 residents and 24 staff. During the originol purchase, I bought the three adjacent, vacant lots with the hopes of expanding after about three years. I opened my third house, early Spring of this year. Then Corona Virus Lock-down happened and the building sits half full. Thank goodness for PPD and other help from the SBA! Though I feel my residents’ pain and yearning for their loved ones who they have to see through window panes.
It’s 6 pm at your favorite bar or restaurant, what drink do you order?

Hendrick’s Gin & Tonic, extra lime spring, summer or fall. Maybe a Manhattan in the winter. I’m also a Certified winemaker, belong to a viticulture and wine appreciation group, and I’m an occasional wine judge at the NM State Fair. I enjoy many NM varietals paired with mostly Mediterranean cuisine that I love to prepare and I’m good at it.
Do you awake with or without an alarm?

Have not used an alarm for 25 years, my internal clock is right on. Usually awaken at 6:30a whether I go to bed at 10:00p or 2:00a. Trying to learn to sleep in til 8am on weekends. Try to practice good sleep hygiene.
What’s your favorite social media outlet?
I am forced to use social media because of my business, but if I have to choose one it would be Facebook
What song is ready to play on your playlist?
“Moonlight Sonata” Beethoven . Roberta Flack, “First Time Ever I Saw Your Face”. Lately I’ve been following Stephen Hauser, Cellist. I’m always a Fleetwood Mac fan. Also love Jitterbug (west & east coast Swing) Cumbia, Salsa and Swing since taking since taking private and group dancing lessons.
What is the last photo you took with your cell phone?
One of the best lessons my parents taught me is to . . .?
Save money no matter what. At least 10% of everything I earn. To always tell the truth even if it hurts. If you tell the truth about the small stuff, telling the truth about the big stuff will happen naturally.
What is your favorite work of art?
Bernini’s Daphne and Apollo. I saw his work while in Galleria Borghese in Rome. I couldn’t get my fill.
What is your favorite architectural structure in New Mexico?

Taos Pueblo belonging to the Tiwa, Native American tribe, considered to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited communities in the U.S. Also love the architecture and charm of Santa Fe!