Here’s a mix of pictures from the exuberant opening night party. More than 500 fashionable people strolled through the newly constructed twin townhouses on Sullivan Street in soho. TV personalities, models, top interior designers, legendary architects, sexy socialites, infamous artists, cultured journalists and bewildered politicians wandered through the beautifully appointed residences – drinking – chatting – blocking the stairs – noshing on delectable treats – taking selfies and dancing. DJ Natasha Diggs was spinning masterful tunes as guests began to boogie in the oddest places.
Consequently a few photos have a slant and blur which mirrors the aura on the rockin’ evening. Guests enjoyed viewing a bevy of high-styled rooms while conversing under atmospheric lighting – that is so on point – everyone looked 10 years younger. Thank you Campion Platt and Juan Carretero.
Holiday House Founder, Iris Dankner was inspired to combine her two passions – interior design and fundraising for breast cancer research. After its inception in 2008, Holiday House became the first designer showhouse in New York City to benefit a breast cancer organization.
After eight successful years at The Academy Mansion on the Upper East Side, Holiday House has landed in SoHo this year. Iris has teamed with Jared Seligman, a top New York real estate broker, who subsequently found the adjacent townhouses. This is a glimpse of guests at their festive opening night party . . .

Whose got your back? HH Design House Director, Michelle Berkowitz (she’s pretty fabulous) +Queen of Hearts, Iris Dankner

WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?? Andrea 5:50am + David 6:30am + Wesley Moon (HH ALUM) 6:05am

WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?? Andrea Algaze 7:30am + Kristi B 7:00am #unlimitedearth

Bradley Theodore (renowned artist) wakes up daily at 7:15 out of bed at 1pm + Alex Kirshbaum 7:15am

WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?? Sarah 7:30am + Kevin 6:30am #hhsoho #campionplatt

WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING ??- Dagmara Weinberg 6am + Rayon Black 6:45am #rochebobois

WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?? Caroline Vaughn 5:30am + Donna Randazzo 4:55am #jab

Champagne Joy 5:50am + Michael Hall 5:50am #hhsoho #bcrf #cancerland #inspire

Frederico Azecedo 6:00am + Alex Cohen 6:12am + Katia Graytok 7:05am #frette #unlimitedearth

Carrie Leskowitz 5:30am +Alberto Villalobos Renjifo 5:30am + Claire Evans 7:30am+ Jana Weil 6:00am #unlimitedearth

Daniella woke at 5:30am + Robert Farber (award winning photog) just waking up + Sur 6:30am

#danknerdishes #lovelyladies WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?? Niki Dankner 7:30am + Danielle Dankner 7:11am

WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?? Claire Murphy 7:30am + Mary Dorn 6am

WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?? Daniel VanHall 6:15am + Gail Miller 6:30am + Dorothy Winkler 6:30am

WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?? Vyna St. Phard 7:45am + Cynthia Murphy 6:10am

This morning Allison woke up at 10am + Jamie at 6:45am + Melvis at 8:00am – great rug in room designed by Jamie Walters

Design visionaries Meredith Ostrom 6:00am and Barbara Ostrom woke at 7:00am #lladro #osbornelittle

WHAT TIME DID YOU AWAKE?? Kathrina Plath 5:53am + Eric 7:01am

Holiday House Founder, Iris Danker + IFDA President-elect, Richard Segal #hhsoho #openingnightgala

WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?? Jill Esterman (TRAD Home) 6:20am + Nana Onishi (Onishi Gallery) 8:00am

Fashion influencer Jason Lyon (who dressed Iris for the evening) woke at 10am + Fernando Chavez 6am +Tessa Santiago 11am

WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP THIS MORNING?? Peter Wik 6:00am + David Santiago 6:30am

Bradfield & Tobin ‘Artistic License’ #hhsoho #stark #jab #nobrahainegallery @alanbarry #art

Bradfield & Tobin ‘Artistic License’ #hhsoho #cabinetiseverything

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