My good friend and talented Interior Designer Christopher Coleman has garnered a high-brow list of clients with a colorful collection of picturesque homes and businesses.
Christopher has long been a favorite of the press and media. He has appeared in more than 100 national and international publications. He has been anointed by the top design platforms as the industry’s top 50, A-list, Best of, Gold List, Ones to Watch, Rising Star, etc. – yet he remains a down-to-earth, fun loving guy.
After studying graphic and interior design at the Maryland Institute of Art and later, York Academy in Pennsylvania, Coleman moved to New York, where he spent a year as a draftsman and assistant designer at interior design firm Lloyd Bell Associates. He had a five-year stint at Macy’s where he oversaw colors and materials on the corporate store-design team, which also included designers S. Russell Groves and the late Randy Ridless.
In the ’90s, he joined the modernist team of Renny Saltzman, where he worked on residences for such high-profile clients as Candice Bergen, Joel Grey
He and Carlos orchestrated projects that expanded their repertoire: the apartments of Sotheby’s auctioneer Robert Woolley, high-powered Manhattan real estate broker Robby Browne, a consultation with the model Tyra Banks. Soon after Chris started his own firm – Christopher Coleman Interior Design.
Since then, Coleman’s clients have included fashion journalist Kate Betts (then the editor in chief of Harper’s Bazaar); former Time Inc. chairman Don Logan; and Helen Henson, the widow of Muppets creator Jim Henson.
Today, the people who generally commission Coleman are young families -many who are from South America. This can be attributed to Coleman’s 17-year relationship with Venezuelan-born architect-turned-fashion designer Angel Sanchez, with whom Coleman collaborates on projects that fashion and design platforms love to publish – Sanchez + Coleman. The design duo is the
There is no doubt, Chris uses his endearing charm while designing and styling his vivacious projects and he makes new friends along the way. He spreads love and laughter with almost any stylish person who crosses his path.
One of my favorite evenings with the tall, charming and stylish Mr. Coleman was a dinner preview at the brand new hot spot Chinese Tuxedo. I arrived at 7:58 for our 8 pm reservation, Chris had already worked his magic charms on the hostess who gave us the best seat in the house.
We met every patron within a 10 seat radius. The handsome waiters were taking turns telling us their life stories while the couple next to us received marriage and real estate advice from Chris. After dinner, we bounced next door to the SpeakEasy that
Chris Coleman is a modern mix of chic, vibrant energy
Occupation – Location Interior Designer in Miami, Manhattan and Brooklyn, NY

In Christopher’s words, “I want originality in a project, not a room that has been transported from a showroom. I mix found pieces with custom designed furniture to give each room a personality!”
The moment you knew you wanted to be connected to the fashion, art and design world? Wow! That goes way back to I think high school, when my mom used to take me to museums and I would accompany her shopping to all the department stores. She was truly a shopaholic. She would hide her packages from my father. Then finally we went every year to the designer show houses in Baltimore and Washington DC. A tidbit of info you may want to know, I really wanted to be a chef. My father thought that was strange, so I went to art school which was really strange with kids with dyed hair and piercings!

Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be most significant in your career – What really resonates with me

Which philanthropic organizations have you been connected to – I’ve always had high regards for Housing Works. Having always donated furniture and window treatments. Sometimes at the beginning of a project, clients would ask what to do with furniture they didn’t want. Much of it custom made, I always said and still do today call Blanche at Housing Works!
Are you a night owl or a morning person – I am both. I love a quiet slow morning with a good coffee and my N.Y trashy-gossip NY Post! And I can’t pass up a night out, a good cocktail, a good dinner then dance the night away.

What kitchen utensil do you use most frequently –

Describe your perfect pizza- Is a thin crisp brick oven pizza from Lucali in Brooklyn and Miami

Who is your secret celebrity crush – Barack Obama

What time of day you were born – Early morning
If there were a movie made about your life, who would play you? Played by Trevor Noah. Someone with a great sense of humor.
Which languages do you speak? Barely English. If there was anything I could buy it would be languages! I can’t wait for the chip to put it on my ear.
Do you follow astrology – What is your zodiac sign – Yes, I read my horoscope every day in the N.Y post by Sally Brompton.Virgo

What would your DJ name be- DJ Trippin on the M
Describe your favorite piece of jewelry to wear – My collection of bracelets. I’m always looking for interesting colorful beads. My favorite shop is on East 17th st. Between Broadway and 5th Ave. Don’t know the name but it’s full of beads
Do you have a favorite fashion magazine – I like all the European

If we were to peek in your closet, the dominant color would be – Omg! It’s all black! Some navy blue

What is your “go to” fashion brand Cos for every day, Armani for the evening and Stone Island for
What is your present state of mind – Dealing with the dilemmas of decorating. Trying to be more patient
It’s 6 pm at your favorite bar or restaurant, what drink do you order – Depends on

Do you wake with or without an alarm –I don’t need an

What’s your favorite social media outlet –Instagram
What song is ready to play on your playlist – Enya-Child Grace Jones – 70’s Dance

What is the last photo you took with your cell phone – Screen Shot of a bathroom insp

One of the best lessons my parents taught me is to… To help people. Whether it’s holding the door for an elderly lady or getting something off the shelf for a short person at the grocery store. I try to do something every day for another!

What is your favorite work of art – A Brancusi sculpture in the Brancusi studio at the Pompidou

What is your favorite building or structure in Manhattan – Brooklyn