Sigal Sasson is the dynamic artist behind Rug Art International’s bold and sought-after custom rugs. She enjoys a beautiful collaboration with her business partner and husband, Vidal. She has an extensive background in both art and interiors, which she channels into her work when conceptualizing new rug designs. Vidal has an entrepreneurial business spirit with a substantial rug and textile knowledge. Their prosperous company produces more than 20 new rug designs each year.
RUG ART manufactures in hills of Nepal and headquartered within the design district of New York City. Representatives for RUG ART collections are all over the world.

Sigal Sasson is a self-taught multi-faceted designer and artist who found herself challenged to explore her growing artistic hunger. Motivated with high discipline and curiosity she trained herself in the art of trompe-l’oeil, various Venetian Plaster applications and interior decorating; “…a self-learning process that enabled me to break the rules and come up with ideas of my own” she says.
Sigal is an avid life-long learner. Guided by her own instincts her designs come out of a passion beyond inspirations. All this is evident in her work as well as her beautiful close-up photography she takes herself, showcasing RUG ART collections.
In her community, Sigal voluntarily teaches art at local schools where she shares her passion and is a member of “10×10 EDUCATE GIRLS”. Her mantra: “We need to passionately believe in the power of ideas and use them to change lives including ours.”
Sigal Sasson

Co-founder of RUG ART INTERNATIONAL – creative director, rug designer, artist, decorator.

The moment you knew you wanted to be in the Interior Design World
I’ve always had love for interior design since I was little, maybe because my mother renovated her house every couple of years. Being so lucky, coming from a big family and being the youngest, I was the only one blessed to have my own small room, so I would rearrange and move things around constantly. One day I decided to build my own desk and hutch because my parents could not afford to buy one. I was only ten, I used power tools (without mom’s permission) but I was so happy to finally see my first secret creation standing at the corner of my room to my mom’s astonishment. She didn’t know if to get mad or be proud. It came out completely crooked but I loved it anyway.

Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be most significant in your career
One of the most important moments and accomplishments in my career was the moment I convinced my husband/business partner Vidal, not long after he started RUG ART, to believe in my talent after I showed him my first two new rug designs inspired by my scientific pencil drawings, and I promised him that people will like them. I didn’t know what I was doing but I relied on my instincts. He wasn’t so sure but shortly after producing these two new rugs we got major editorials in leading Interior Design Magazines and orders came left and right.

That really launched my career as a designer and motivated me to put our company, along with my husband, on the map as a leading custom rug makers and designers.

Working together as a husband and wife team and going through ups and downs together, only strengthen our business relationship and make us a stronger team –it’s quite an accomplishment in my eyes. Good and fabulous projects always follow.

What are the elements of your signature style
This is a tricky question because I tend to mix different elements to create a certain rug style knowing how it will affect a space. I love glam chic, details and contrast. My designs are mostly inspired by my travels, surfaces and architectural elements.
I know my rug designs really well like I know my own two hands, clients trust me and let me modify a design when needed even if they know they can do it themselves. I love that they give me the freedom to do what I think is right for the rug and space and they expect me to come up with solutions and fresh ideas and I always do.
Are you a night owl or a morning person
I’m both. I do different things at these two different times of the day.
What kitchen utensil do you use most frequently
I love my Breville Cappuccino Machine. I make a killer Cappuccino every morning while still trying to draw an art with the frothy milk. Sometimes I get it and sometimes I don’t but it tastes just as good!

Describe your perfect pizza
I don’t like pizza.

Who is your secret celebrity crush
If it wasn’t the hot looking Johnny Depp then it would be my husband, he is just as good looking.

What time of day were you born
Good question.
If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
My youngest daughter who turned 16. She knows me so well it’s scary.

What languages do you speak
English, Hebrew, I understand basic Spanish and Arabic.
Do you follow astrology – what is your zodiac sign
No. I’m Libra.

What would your DJ Name be
DJ Funtime
Which philanthropic organizations have you been connected to
We’ve been working with GoodWeave for many years now. I’m involved in Girls Rising – a great organization encouraging girls education and empowerment.
I play Championship Tennis where I live and we are involved in many charity events in the club for players/friends who are fighting for their lives as I write this. I also volunteer at a public school. On major holidays we collect food and clothing and donate to local charity organizations that transfer all the items to communities in need in various countries.
How many pairs of shoes do you own
I have no idea
Do you have a favorite fashion magazine
Many – here are some: Allure Magazine for fashion and Vogue Living for interior design.

What is your ‘go-to’ fashion brand
I do not have one fashion brand but I do love unique designer pieces that look artistic enough and that will work with any mood anytime. I never match I try to make different pieces work together. I don’t like sets.
If we were to peek in your closet, the dominant color would be
Lots of shades of blue and other colors in between.

What is your present state of mind
Happy and forgiving.
It’s 6 pm at your favorite restaurant, what drink do you order
I’m a water with lemon person.

Do you awake with or without an alarm
No alarm unless I have a 5 AM flight to catch.
What is your favorite social media outlet
Instagram, it’s an interesting platform.
What song is ready to play on your playlist
EVERYBODY DANCE NOW by Music Factory. It’s old but always makes me wanna dance. Always.

What is the last photo you took with your cell phone
Me and my partner after our Tennis winning competition the other day.

One of the best lessons my parents taught me is to
Celebrate life and be kind to people.
What is your favorite work of art
Human body.

What is your favorite building in Manhattan
Chrysler building. With all the sky-scrapers going on in NYC nothing beats this exuberant landmark

Florida-based Sigal Sasson and her husband Vidal create inspiring fine art rug collections—hand-knotted, hair-on-hide, hand-tufted, or flat-weave—that are enthusiastically received, season after season. From Cartier boutiques and London Hotels to high in the sky Time Warner penthouses and swank downtown Los Angeles lofts, Morocco-born Sigal’s artistry is on grand display throughout the world.